
Mission Statement

Our mission is to strengthen relationships we have with God, with each other, with our families, and with our world.

We are an Open and Affirming Congregation; people of all sexual orientations and gender identities are welcome in the full life and ministry of our church.

We are a Global Ministries church.

We are a Green Chalice Congregation.


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Our Vision

God has called us to be a light in the world in the Heart of Eugene.

We commit ourselves to live as spirit-filled, Christ-like people, growing in the Community of God as envisioned by Jesus, strengthening our relationships with God, with each other, with our families and with the world.

We are an Open and Affirming Congregation; people of all sexual orientations and gender identities are welcome in the full life and ministry of our church. We are a Global Ministries Church; we commit to praying, learning, and supporting people in need all over the world. We are a Green Chalice Church; we commit to caring for creation in unique and inspiring ways.

Our Services

We livestream our worship services on our Youtube channel.

10:20am Prelude
10:30am Worship Service 



From Our Pastors

If you have not experienced a Disciples of Christ congregation before, we would like to share with you some of the distinctive characteristics of our church, which we hope you will find as appealing as we do.

  • Simple Doctrine – The only requirement for membership is faith in Jesus Christ as a revelation of God’s will.
  • Diversity of Belief – Every person is free to interpret the Bible according to one’s own experience and belief. At the same time, we expect all to show respect for the opinions, viewpoints, doubts and questions of others.
  • Equality in Ministry – Men and women, young and old, all races and cultures, all classes and abilities, all sexual orientations serve in all areas of leadership, including the ordained ministry.
  • Christian Unity – We believe the church is called to be one and, therefore, are involved in ecumenical and interfaith activities. We honor all forms of baptism and welcome all persons to the Lord’s Table.
  • Local Control and Governance – We own our own property, select our own ministers and decide how to allocate our finances.
  • Community Involvement – We strive for justice and peace among all people, bringing hope to those Jesus called the least of his sisters and brothers. We are active in working to combat hunger, poverty, homelessness and injustice at home and abroad.

In essentials, unity – In opinions, liberty – And in all things charity.

 We invite you to discover the joy, warmth and love of the Christian fellowship at First Christian Church.

Rev. Reneė Windsor-White and Rev. Jerri Handy