Throughout our faith journey, we are extended several invitations. From the invitation to make our first public expression of faith, to the invitation to care for a sick neighbor, to the invitation to bring food to the next church event, to the invitation to listen to a stranger in need, our life in a community of faith is full of invitations.
This year our faith journey has included an invitation to get a vaccine, an invitation to care for self and others in many intangible ways, invitations to grieve and change, invitations to find new ways to serve neighbor and invitations to digital methods of connection.
During Sundays in September, our church community is going to be intentional about how we respond to the variety of invitations we receive and how those invitations spur us along in our faith development. Jesus invites us to bring all that we are and all that we have when we become a disciple of Christ. It is a sojourn that is meant both to form us more into the image of Christ through the disciplines of study, worship, prayer, service, and generosity; as well as to strengthen us in becoming powerful agents for the good that God is doing in our world.
As Disciples of Christ we are called to be a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. We can, with purpose and intention be agents of grace, when we are generous in our response to the many invitations that are presented to us.
Together we seek justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God. Together we say an enthusiastic YES to God’s call to be a steward.
Our faithful financial stewardship in caring for others is one way we are invited to respond to Christ’s invitation. Our generosity funds the mission and ministry that we are deploying as a sign that God’s Realm is among us. You are invited to worship on October 3, Dedication Sunday and World Communion Sunday. If COVID numbers continue to trend downward, we may be together in person by then. We may not. In the sanctuary or in our homes, we are always praying to be together in God’s Spirit.
God has done, and continues to do remarkable things through us and with us –things that matter in our community! Your prayers and your participation are key to helping us advance further on the pathway of discipleship. We know that when the early church gathered, they did so with glad and generous hearts and that there was no need among them (Acts 2). We desire such a spirit of true community to be among us. We look forward to considering with you what it means for us to reflect on “Created to be a Steward”, as we seek to be faithful disciples in this place.
Thank you for walking alongside of us as a part of First Christian Church.
Co-Pastors April Oristano & Jerri Handy
Our stewardship season emphasizes the support of the general fund. Gifts to the general fund can be made at anytime.
If you would like to talk with someone about a gift of stock, a planned estate gift, a gift to an endowment or dedicated funds, please speak with Treasurer Linda Bright.

This picture was taken on the Mural Dedication Day in 2018.